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The Humanities Center offers three types of grants: Grants for Humanities Collaboration, for interdisciplinary teams performing scholarship with an emphasis on the humanities; Pedagogy Innovation Grants, for faculty members focusing on the development of innovative courses and methods; and Research Support Grants, for faculty in need of critical resources for their research. See below for more detailed eligibility requirements.



Grant funds are available to full-time faculty members and faculty equivalent academic professionals (FEAPs). Eligible faculty members include tenured or tenure-track, teaching, service, clinical, research, librarian, and continuing visiting faculty members.

If you receive a grant, you are granting us permission to count you as an affiliated faculty member and should you choose to you may list said affiliation on your CV. 

Past recipients of a Humanities Center grant are eligible for funding but must explain how their proposed project varies from their past funded project. Past recipients of a Humanities Center grant who have not submitted a final report for that grant are not eligible.

If you have questions about allowable expenses, contact


Grants for Humanities Collaboration

The Center will fund awards for either interdisciplinary teams of: 1) three or more scholars or 2) project-based partnerships between scholars and community partners (both categories may include students as scholarly investigators). Each team will work on a topic centered on humanities inquiry, with at least two disciplines represented.

Collaborative Grants will support faculty members whose projects share subject matter and result in related or linked research products. While all team members need not be formally appointed in humanities disciplines, a strong humanities presence is required. That said, scholars from outside disciplines are encouraged to participate. The lead Principal Investigator is expected to submit letters of collaboration as attachments to the proposal. 

Maximum budget: $13,000. (A maximum of $15,000 may be requested if at least the additional $2,000 is allocated to a student.)

If awarded, grant funds will be available no earlier than July 1, 2025, and must be expended by June 30, 2026.

Application Requirements: Please review and prepare the following requirements before starting your submission.

  • Project Narrative: Attach a two-page narrative as a PDF (single-spaced, Times New Roman or comparable font, 11-point or larger). The narrative should explain the project, its relationship to the humanities, how it addresses interdisciplinary (if applicable), and its planned outcomes (including public outcomes). Reviewers will assess the merit and the outcomes of the proposal.
  • A Workplan: Attach a schedule as a .PDF for the period of performance of no more than a page, and should not include information that belongs in the narrative statement. Explain the tasks you expect to accomplish, and specify the part or stage of the project that the award will support. Identify what, if any, parts of the project you have already completed. If you will not complete the project during the period of performance, state when you expect to complete it.
  • CV:  Attach two-page CVs of each team member as a single PDF.
  • Budget: Attach a short budget narrative and itemized budget for your project as a PDF. Eligible expenses may include travel, lodging, registration fees, and salary for summer pay or student labor (subject to payroll restrictions). Funding may not be used for indirect costs such as hardware or software.
  • Letter(s) of Collaboration: For a Grant for Humanities Collaboration, attach letter(s) of collaboration as a single PDF.

Apply for Collaboration Grant

Pedagogy Innovation Grant

The Center will provide awards to directly support innovative teaching practices, including team-teaching an interdisciplinary course, course development, and specific pedagogy-focused professional development. Courses attached to the grant should realistically be scheduled within two years of receiving the award. 

A letter of support from the chair or associate chair (as appropriate by college) of the applicant’s department is required. If you are an awardee, you are granting us permission to count you as an affiliated faculty member, and should you choose to you may list said affiliation on your CV. 

Maximum budget: $5,000. 

If awarded, grant funds will be available no earlier than July 1, 2025 and must be expended by June 30, 2026. 

Application Requirements: Please review and prepare the following requirements before starting your submission.

  • Project Narrative: Attach up to a two page narrative as a PDF (single-spaced, Times New Roman or comparable font, 11-point or larger). The narrative should explain the project, its relationship to the humanities, how it addresses interdisciplinary (if applicable), and its planned outcomes (including public outcomes). Discuss how your project supports innovative teaching practices, including team-teaching an interdisciplinary course, course development, and specific pedagogy-focused professional development. Include when you plan to teach the course; courses attached to the grant should realistically be scheduled within two years of receiving the award. Reviewers will assess the merit and the outcomes of the proposal. 
  • CV: Attach your two-page CV as a PDF.
  • Budget: Attach a short budget narrative and itemized budget for your project as a PDF. Eligible expenses may include travel, lodging, registration fees, and salary for summer pay or student labor (subject to payroll restrictions). Funding may not be used for indirect costs such as hardware or software. 
  • Letter of Support from Chair/Associate Chair: For a Pedagogy Innovation Grant attach a letter of support from your department chair or associate chair (as required by your college) as a PDF. 
  • Letter(s) of Collaboration: only required if the application is for a co-teaching proposal, attach letter(s) of collaboration as a single PDF. 

Apply for Pedagogy Innovation Grant

Research Support Grants

The Center will provide funds for either research travel, for archival materials (interpreted broadly) to be sent, or to support book workshops to support proposals to academic presses. Funds must be used for travel expenses required to perform essential research activities, for archival materials to be sent to the researcher to perform essential research activities, or for expenses relating to the book workshop (travel, fees, etc.); summer salary will not be funded. Note: faculty who receive a WVU RSA grant will be ineligible for a Research Travel Grant for the same or a directly related project. 

Maximum budget: $4,000. 

If awarded, grant funds will be available no earlier than July 1, 2025, and must be expended by June 30, 2026. 

Application Requirements: Please review and prepare the following requirement before starting your submission.

  • Project Narrative: Attach up to a two-page narrative as a PDF (single-spaced, Times New Roman or comparable font, 11-point or larger). The narrative should explain the project, its relationship to the humanities, how it addresses interdisciplinary (if applicable), and its planned outcomes (including public outcomes). Reviewers will assess the merit and the outcomes of the proposal. 
  • CV: Attach your two-page CV as a PDF. 
  • Budget: Attach a short budget narrative and itemized budget for your project as a PDF. Eligible expenses may include travel, lodging, and registration fees. Funding may not be used for indirect costs such as hardware or software. 
Apply for Research Support Grants